Ep. 11 S-M-A-R-T Summer

Bonus episode with Anna Nashe. Listen in as she shares her heart about how to have a S-M-A-R-T Summer!

Like most, you probably haven’t given summer much thought other than counting down the days until the beach trip or deciding what in the world you are going to do with the kids all day.

Here is an invitation:

The summer brings a welcomed way of relaxing, but it also can cause us to feel lazy and unproductive. Living intentionally seems easier with the routine of a more predictable schedule. So how do we purpose to be intentional this summer? Take some time and give your life attention with this opportunity.

This downloadable PDF will be an opportunity to walk with Him as you reflect and refocus. Lord willing, you will have greater vision to see His plan for summer as He wants you to see it. His will for you is discovered through prayer and His Word. Don't miss it. Grace driven fruit bearing brings a life of fulfillment and joy and guess what else? As you shine, as His child, you are reflecting Him!

Jump in with me as we consider the purpose of your life this summer. Go to


Ep. 12 Stranded in Bangkok