Podcast Collaborations
Anna's Story - Episode 24
Anna calls herself a recovering Southern, Bible-belt good girl. Growing up in a nurturing Christian family and a wonderful church, Anna had all the support and tools to build a strong faith. But being someone who enjoys keeping rules and achieving success, Anna began building her sense of worth in her performance and achievements. Inevitably, goals, pursuits, or people fail us... leaving us disillusioned with life and maybe even disappointed with God. For Anna, these moments allowed her to experience God’s faithfulness and provision in new and powerful ways. And she began learning to trust God with her past, present, and future.
enCourage Podcast: Ep. 19 Finding Purpose on Your Life’s Path
Have you ever wondered about your purpose? Does your faith affect your work and how you enjoy God in what you are doing? Today, Anna Nash joins Karen Hodge to share how God led her to begin a ministry to teach people to align their God given gifts in His kingdom.
Girls Talking Life: Ep. 76 Why Christmas Matters
Anna and I are chatting about experiencing Christmas in a new, fresh way this year. Anna tells us that if we want to move from the familiar experience of Christmas to something deeper and more meaningful, we first need to recognize our need for God, reflect on the current needs of our soul.
StoryTellers Live Podcast: Simple Christmas Stories with Anna Nash
Anna Nash, co-author of Christmas Matters and founder of Beacon People, joins Robyn, Katie, and Lindy as they reflect on their traditions of the Christmas season. Anna emphasizes that while Christmas 2020 may look different for many this year, the reason to celebrate remains the same - the birth of Jesus Christ.
Other Collaborations
‘If You Love Me, Obey Me!’ Law, Grace, and the Book of Proverbs for Parents
“If you love me, obey me!” my scrappy toddler declared. My first born was not pointing directing his command at me, he was actually quoting his first memory verse, John 14:5, from the Bible that we had chosen for him. He would march around the house saying it over and over again. He was proud of his accomplishment learning a verse, but maybe more excited about the Skittles which would come as a reward.
The Gospel for the Rule-Keeping Kid
“Stop!” my youngest son exclaimed as we slowed for a red light on the way to school.
“What is it?” I replied, thinking he must have left a homework assignment or maybe his lunch at home by mistake.
“I forgot to make my bed and it will bother me all day if I don’t go back and make it,” he said, frowning.
Wow. I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
What Every Parent Needs In 2020 Is What Every Child Needs Too
“What has been the greatest challenge to you personally in 2020?” It’s a question I find myself asking everyone around me, from family members all the way to my server at a restaurant. This is such a powerful question right now. I find that most people don’t need long to figure out and respond with their answer. All seem not just willing, but eager to share.
Free to Pray for My Children
My earliest childhood memories are wrapped in feelings of gratitude for the heritage of prayer in our modest home. Rather than saying, “It’s time to pray,” I remember my parents saying, “It’s time to talk to God.” In our Christian family, prayer was an extremely important value that was spoken over us throughout my entire life